BE THE BRUCE LEE OF LOOSE LEAVES Sometimes you need to be alone ; it unclenchs the mind .Yet this world is full of suffering and overcoming, it also has a great bunch of nice people. If you can't find one , " Be One". There are bad days, good days, boring days as well but remember it's just a bad day! not a bad life . Learn to "let it go", it might not help you immediately but i'm sure it will make you tension free and that's the much needed thing . As there are things which you can have , but can't keep ... so it's better to let it go . Not holding on to things is the best thing to practice . Do things which makes you happy, it can be anything. Even be weird as hell ... don't be afraid to get called as "exceptional". It's time to wear your heart on your sleeve, be expressive , be the real you . You are free to do whatever you like ...just don't feel weak, frustrate...
All about Life experiences. Do mistakes but also learn from them.