BE YOUR OWN BOSS Well by the end of the month, most of the Graduates & Post graduates would be done with their Summer Internship which is not going to help them in future anyway because they are mostly fed up with the same fucking work! I am not criticizing anybody remember this while reading, meanwhile just ask yourself if you’re not happy with your work how could you that for your entire 1 or 2 years!!!! So choose wisely … it’s your turn. Don’t want that job??? That’s pretty okay honey, but don’t do anything just for having money, as it can cost you more than anything you could ever imagine. Take time ... find out your interest... then “Just do it.” Don’t be depressed if any company rejects you … be patient there are many more to come and if it doesn’t happen just do what you like …you are not liable to carry the 9-5 job. Always remember ~ “Both Optimists and Pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the Aeroplane, the Pessimist invents th...
All about Life experiences. Do mistakes but also learn from them.