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Showing posts from December, 2018


Loneliness- A key to Creativity Are you frightened to lose someone? Even after knowing that “someone” doesn’t even belong to you!!! Don’t be afraid my dear people come, stay for a while and leave. They either make you strong and creative or could led to nervous breakdown, it totally depends on how you take this. Being alone is not the last option but is a Preference and a good choice too. It’s great not to be surrounded by shitty head boyfriend/ girlfriend, stupid companion or destructive minded friends. “Loneliness leads you to discover yourself” It helps to unleash our real potential. Nobody can break your heart down unless you let them in. My loneliness carved out some amazing hidden talents of mine from which I was fully unaware. I started doing paintings, still art, singing, cooking (though I am not a good cook yet) meanwhile I developed a habit of writing…. Like writing poems, short songs and blogs too. I felt like what i have been doing all my life when I go...

No Risk No Gain

DON'T SETTLE FOR AVERAGE You have to be ODD if you want to be number one. There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time , all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures. Take time to identify what you're really capable to do for a longtime and as soon as you find out this, do whatever you can in order to turn your dreams into reality. Difficulties come in life not to destroy you but to unleash your hidden potential.  You may fail in passing your exams more than once, may fail in getting recognition at your workplace, might fail as a perfect lover, mother, sister, father, brother, you can even fail in getting a JOB. Don't loose hope, this is not the worst and the best is yet to come. Remember "failure is an EVENT not a person." If you want something you've never had- you have to do something you've never done before. There is no healing in the environment which made you sick....