Music Feeds
At times, i fit into lyrics more than i fit into Life. It's being generally said "when words fail, Music speaks" and that's very true. When you feel your's love been taken up and you're barely hanging in the dark ..... it's only "Music" which soothes your soul-mind. It gives a flicker of hope so that you won't give up on your own!! One of the strongest form of energy is - Lyrics + beats + feelings + memories.
One great thing about music is that, when it hits you, you feel no pain. I remember a beautiful thought of "Plato", " Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to mind, flight to the imagination and charm & gaiety to life and to everything."
Broken hearts gets healed by music when no one stays, it expresses which can't be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Music is love, love is music & music is life , so love your life my dear 😊. It makes you stronger.
Whenever you're lost, confused, restless, depressed, broken, heavy hearted and when it feels like you can't take it anymore.... then just stop for a while .... plug in your headphone and listen favorite songs from your playlist. It will help you to get connected with the highest form of energy in additional it will motivate to have a strong believe in your doing.
I usually write my blogs while listening to music, mostly because the world beyond my headphone is too chaotic and i am calm in my chaos. No weed could get you that much high as "music". Believe once you're into it, you won't need no one by your side.
At times, i fit into lyrics more than i fit into Life. It's being generally said "when words fail, Music speaks" and that's very true. When you feel your's love been taken up and you're barely hanging in the dark ..... it's only "Music" which soothes your soul-mind. It gives a flicker of hope so that you won't give up on your own!! One of the strongest form of energy is - Lyrics + beats + feelings + memories.
One great thing about music is that, when it hits you, you feel no pain. I remember a beautiful thought of "Plato", " Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to mind, flight to the imagination and charm & gaiety to life and to everything."
Broken hearts gets healed by music when no one stays, it expresses which can't be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Music is love, love is music & music is life , so love your life my dear 😊. It makes you stronger.
Whenever you're lost, confused, restless, depressed, broken, heavy hearted and when it feels like you can't take it anymore.... then just stop for a while .... plug in your headphone and listen favorite songs from your playlist. It will help you to get connected with the highest form of energy in additional it will motivate to have a strong believe in your doing.
I usually write my blogs while listening to music, mostly because the world beyond my headphone is too chaotic and i am calm in my chaos. No weed could get you that much high as "music". Believe once you're into it, you won't need no one by your side.
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