Depression doesn't have a face or a mood We don't talk about it as much as we talk about other diseases, but you'll be shocked to know that 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression. Depression and bad mental health have been ignored as a serious issue since ages. But, do you know, depression can also lead to death if it gets worst? So l et's just talk about it. Having sadness, loss of interest in every aspect of life ... basically feeling you're not good enough and not capable of establishing yourself , extreme mood swings often with bouts of crying, comfortable in being alone and not sharing your words with anyone with all of this the panic attacks are the indicators that YOU NEED SOME HELP. There can be various reasons for being depressed as it varies with every another individual. Well i can list some of them here and they're - Doing things you don't like by an forced obligation whether it's a job or studies, breakups...
All about Life experiences. Do mistakes but also learn from them.