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Signs of a Pathological Liar

 Signs of a Pathological Liar

I am so glad you're here. Today I want to talk about lying and give you some more insights into this whole being lied to business which is very unsettling and absolutely wrong on every level.

Pathological liars trade into pathological lies and we can use a specific term "Hi Jackals" are people who hijack relationships for their own purposes and then relentlessly scavenge them for power, status and control and they lie they lie like a carpet.

Pathological lies are different from those white lies which are relatively harmless and they don't come from malicious intent and they are frequent and each time it happens it causes your mind to melt a little bit like what? Really?? that doesn't make any sense but maybe you really want to believe. So you allow yourself to go down that pathway or maybe you're exhausted from not believing  and you just roll your eyes mentally and go there, they go again but those lies are frequent and then you begin to notice that the person is actually a "Compulsive Liar."

Even when it doesn't matter even when something is totally not important they still lie that's a mark of a compulsive liar, a pathological liar and they do it for no real reason. It's just a habit that they have.

They don't live in a place of wanting to deal with reality, so it becomes a habit. Another reason that people tell lies and become pathological about it as their fear, they want to protect themselves all the time so even if it's just perceived that something may not be construed correctly about them, the will lie about it because of their own fear of needing to be seen as wonderful for all the time.

Another way is they want to dominate a situation. So they see an opportunity to take out more air time... to be the one who knows they want to dominate the situation so they lie in order to do it or they always want to appear right. They need to explain why they're right and how they're right and preferably how you're wrong.

They will also lie instantaneously  to avoid responsibility or accountability or any possibility of blame or shame coming their ways.

Another big reason they lie is to make themselves the hero of the situation.

Then there are covert hi jackals, these are the ones who want to make themselves the "victim." Nobody ever believes me, nobody ever cares about me, nobody ever gives me what I want, nobody acknowledges me .. poor me, you know I'm going to eat worms that kind of victim status all the time in order to keep the attention on themselves.

Pathological liars try to and want to have power and control over you and to create some sense of status for themselves in every situation, so to grab the power to take control up their status is very important to them & the'll lie through their teeth and beyond to do that. They always use their superlatives , their experience is always greater, deeper, more longer than anybody else's.

They'll lie about anything & they love large numbers. They'll make up those numbers on the fly, no problem & the next time they lie, they'll make it even bigger and the next time it'll be a larger number and it will go on & on and that is a hallmark of "Hi Jackal."

These liars will make you feel crazy and always identify you as Offender and themselves as victim and will always be a gas lighter to every situation. Sometimes they can even fake their entire identity if you never met them face to face or more likely over any social media. 


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